Hi! Welcome to our place. We're super glad you dropped by. We're a bit busy at the moment: making games and stuff; thinking up ways we can be more just and accountable in our daily lives; cooking rad vegan food.
With everything going on in the world right now, focusing on games can seem kinda trivial. But there is a lot that games provide to our cultures. Like, we just finished reading Janet Murray's Hamlet on the Holodeck. That book was nuts. It positions "narrative" as both the quintessential human pastime and an important piece of our culture, and locates those threads in digital experiences. Thats a heavy charge.
We aim to take up that mantle. To push back on profit, violence, and loneliness as the organizing principles of our digital culture. If that sounds good then why don't you check out one of our things. Or drop us a line here or on twitter. We look forward to hearing your experiences and sharing ours.
<3 theboneses <3